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Rev logo


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Since I now have my be series pro.... I want a hard shell case. I am planning on fabricating it myself....

But I'd like to put the rev logo on it. Does any one have a vector art version?

This is for my personal use. I can photo & convert but if anyone has one and would care to share.

I apologize in advance if this request is "bad form."


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Since I now have my be series pro.... I want a hard shell case. I am planning on fabricating it myself....

But I'd like to put the rev logo on it. Does any one have a vector art version?

This is for my personal use. I can photo & convert but if anyone has one and would care to share.

I apologize in advance if this request is "bad form."


Stan, I would suggest first that you ask permission from Revolution to use their logo.

I doubt they would turn you down.

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you want to receive the original source file AI (Adobe Illustrator), from that you can manipulate it any way you desire. In the attachment I have converted to white and ghosted thru "transparency adjustment". Since it's vector art, you can scale without loss of detail, from the huge side of bus graphic down to a business card template.

ben\'s card4.pdf

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  • 7 years later...

I realize this is a really old thread, but I was looking to do something similar.  I wanted to make some labels for my kite tube and I'd like to have the Rev logo on it.  I would love to get permission and a copy of a vector art type logo I could use.  I appreciate the help!!!

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