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While we encourage topic-oriented posts in the appropriate sections of this forum, if you'd like to say hello and introduce yourself, this is the place to do it!
Looking to discuss or find information about the exciting world of flying Revs with other people? Look no further!
Want to expand your skills?
Have questions about indoor flying? This is the place to ask, discuss, and share your indoor experiences!
Tweaks and changes by users.
Share experiences or learn more or about stacking Revs... Connecting multiple kites in a train, flown by one pilot.
List or share any good articles here.
Share your Rev photos or videos!
Share, learn more about or discuss "multiline" or quad line competition here... Individual, pairs or team.
General discussions here.
Looking for good places to fly where you are likely to find other Rev pilots? Post your local spot or read others here!
for misplaced, stolen and found REV items