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Portsmouth 2011


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That's great news your coming,looking forward to flying with you.Roll on august :-)

Thanks DAZ !

Looking forward to come to the UK again too !!

2008 (Bristol) was the last UK visit

Nice to meet everyone !!!!!!

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No car pass needed, Flights booked !

Hmm! I'm trying to figure out the best way to get to Scheveningen! We flew into Rotterdam mostly and then Schipol once, I think...

Good news that you are set to be at Portsmouth, of course.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Car pass received. Room requested.

Hmm! Must remember the car pass. I forgot to print the Sunderland one. Luckily someone had a spare.

I think that we have a Dutch, Spanish and German contingent for the Portsmouth event which is rather encouraging. Sadly it appears that the French could not make it but maybe their alternative team will find their way across?

I'm wondering if the USA will step up to the mark <grins>


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If you requested rooms - they are booked - we are just waiting to hear how much discount, Car passes (Felix!) are tied into name and vehicle reg numbers so non-transferable - the council will have a list.. so if you request a car pass we need the car reg. There are only 3 fliers coming from team AIR-4-CE. but we are still working on a few more teams.

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Nooooo, about USA Pilots.

We will be there.

Portsmouth AIR-4-CE Crew.

ALard, Stephen and myself (Marc)


Maybe USA pilot/s will make the journey given the number of experienced fliers who will be congregating at Portsmouth<grins>


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Looking forward to flying with some of our European flyers

Seems like we will have fliers from Holland, Germany, France and Spain. I do not have precise numbers at this stage, (nor am I particularly concerned about numbers <grins>) but I think that there should be about 48 'fully experienced' team fliers at the event.


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My understanding is that the organisers KSGB have been in contact and that the team will attend. I have no independent confirmation at this stage...



Sadly, it now appears that the German team will not attend.


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knew it...indeed..sad news, always good to have them in megateams.

I am going to fly together with the 2 Swiss Pilots from TEam4Fun coming week @ the dutch beach. Fun too.

Maybe they would be able to attend Portsmouth independently?

I know that some fliers rely on a 'familiar environment' and feel overwhelmed if asked to work outside their comfort zone.


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I know they don't have any problems with unfamiliar environments at all.

And we (AIR-4-CE) love to go outside our comfort zone too !! smile.giflaugh.gifw00t.gif

See y'all there !

And Ben will be with us as well as per his message in another thread.

Not long now <grins>

Sadly we've just heard that the Knokke event the weekend before Portsmouth will not be happening.


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